A perfect, green lawn is a beautiful thing. But more often than not, you might look out the window and see yellowed or bare spots marring your lovely lawn. What steps can you take to get rid of these unsightly patches?
Determine the Cause
If an insect infestation or a disease is causing bare spots in your lawn, make sure to find out and take care of the situation before you replace it with new grass. If you ignore the cause and go straight to reseeding, the same problem might crop up again!
Fido at Fault?
Do you have pets who roam the lawn? They might be to blame: pet urine causes yellowing due to the overdose of nitrogen. While this might be impossible to prevent, there are some things you can do to help lessen the damage.
If possible, train your dog to go in a particular spot in the yard. This will keep the damage localized so you won’t find yourself with a whole lawn full of yellowing grass.
Divert Walking Traffic
Frequently walking over the same area of grass will eventually cause bare spots in the grass. Instead, try adding a walkway using stepping stones, gravel, or something similar.
Once you have taken care of the cause of the problem, you’ll want to reseed your lawn with new grass to get it looking like new again. For warm season grasses, late spring is the best time to plant. For cool season grasses, plant in early fall.
For a lower-maintenance option, consider sod instead of seeded grass. It’s great for traffic and also helps prevent weeds. Contact Nature’s Management Group to find out more.
Posted on behalf of Nature’s Management Group