A home playground is perfect for getting your children fresh air and exercise. But you’ll need to give some careful thought to the type of ground cover you put around the jungle gym.
Common Playground Ground Cover Options
What are your choices for covering the ground beneath your kids’ playground?
For one thing, you could just leave natural grass in place. You might be able to keep it green and lush with regular care. It likely won’t get the kind of traffic that public playgrounds get. Even so, grass tends to quickly wear away under the erosion of busy little feet.
Sand makes a good cushion for jumps and falls from the climbing equipment. But you’ll likely find it’s messy and hard to keep in place.
What about gravel? Pea gravel is natural and good for keeping weeds at bay. Your kids, however, might resent your choice if they have to pick small pebbles out of their scraped knees.
Rubber, whether poured or in the form of tiles or mulch, is an excellent cushion. It’s clean and doesn’t need much maintenance. You may find, however, that it’s quite pricey for an at-home playground project.
Is there any ground cover option that’s safe, comfortable, beautiful, and affordable?
Playground Mulch in Alpharetta, GA
Playground mulch is the perfect option for homeowners who want to install a backyard jungle gym for their kids. It’s good for keeping down weed growth, provides a cushion against falls, and is all natural.
Playground mulch is softer and safer for kids than typical garden mulch. We’re proud to offer playground and landscaping mulch of all varieties here at Nature’s Management Group. Call us for a free quote.
Posted on behalf of Nature’s Management Group